About Me

  • What Sets Me Apart

  • Exceptional Teammate

    Being an exceptional teammate in software engineering goes beyond technical proficiency. I prioritize empathy and active listening with the goal of creating a positive and inclusive environment. Being flexible allows me to easily navigate various team dynamics and evolving project needs. Moreover, I'm always eager to share knowledge, receive constructive feedback, and celebrate our team's successes, fostering a culture of mutual respect and continuous growth.

  • Growth Mindset

    I believe that enthusiasm is more important to mastery than innate ability. The growth mindset that underpins my approach to software engineering fuels my adaptability in the face of new technologies and methodologies. I am constantly seeking to expand my technical toolkit and am not afraid to ask for help along the way.

  • Strong Foundations of Computer Science

    Before working as a software engineer, I completed a 17-week Bridge program at NYU Tandon School of Engineering for students with a non-technical background, where I learned the foundations of computer science, networking, operating systems, data structures and algorithms, and memory management.

  • Meticulous Work Ethic

    My projects are not complete until every line of code embodies the principles of maintainability, readability, and the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) philosophy. My superpower lies in creating patterns that establish consistency and standardization in code structure. Whether it's establishing conventions for directory organization or implementing efficient memoization strategies, I prioritize adherence to established rules, enabling me to work swiftly and efficiently.

  • Eye for Design

    With a background in film, I bring a unique perspective to software engineering that combines creativity with technical prowess. In the past, I have fostered strong and enjoyable relationships with designers. Together, we translate wireframes into functional realities, ensuring that every pixel and interaction aligns with the vision. There's a unique satisfaction in seeing lines of code transform into dynamic, engaging, and intuitive user experiences.


My technical toolkit includes React, React Native, Redux Toolkit, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript/TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, and Amazon Web Services S3 (AWS). I am eager and determined to learn new technologies to expand my skill set.



React & React Native











Here are a few projects that I completed during my role as a Frontend Software Engineer and while studying 1000+ hours at App Academy.

Cancellation Flow (Evernow Mobile-Web)

I built a new cancellation flow using a wizard with conditional win-back steps based on members' previous answers, with the goal of gathering more information about why members cancel, increasing friction, and preventing cancellation.


Redux Toolkit


Membership Selection Flow (Evernow iOS App)

I spearheaded frontend enhancements to the membership selection flow, which enables members to choose between different membership plans and view discounts applied to upcoming membership fees.

React Native

React Navigation

Redux Toolkit


A single-page web application and clone of Kanopy, a video streaming website.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Rails Active Storage

Ruby on Rails framework

React/Redux frontend

PostgreSQL database

Heroku hosting

Reach Out

I would love to join your team and get right to work.

Name: Rebecca Foster

Phone: (203) 500-5670

Email: rebeccamrfoster@gmail.com

Location: Boston, Massachusetts